Not hungry in the morning but feel fatigued throughout the day?
Are you ACTUALLY not hungry in the morning or has your body just gotten used to it? 👀
Bodies are amazing and adaptable and will adapt to many circumstances, even if they aren’t necessarily ideal. Many people report that the reason for not eating in the morning is because they are just not hungry and eating makes them feel worse.
🪫🪫But, if you are experiencing energy dips or fatigue throughout the day, you might want to consider eating MORE regularly throughout the day to help with energy. Carbohydrates are the MAIN source of energy for the body and for the brain and most people will feel more energetic & better when they have energy (aka FOOD).
There are no special benefits to eating later in the day or fasting in the morning - meal timing is unique to each person and what matters the most is the amount of food you take in throughout the whole day & the week.
If you're experiencing low energy & fatigue, try eating something something small & easy to digest like a protein shake and oatmeal in the morning and see how you feel! Your brain and body might enjoy it 👄🧠